Cyberpunk Game
AD&D Game
Monsters & Mayhem





Curse of Strahd

Magic Monsters Groups People Places Races Things

Summary - The PCs are students at MACDS. Go on training mission and find well of Feyral magic tainting the local wildlife. Assist area druid to contain the contamination and proceed to local farm. Discover two pre-teen tieflings are raiding the chicken coop, send them to Mostl for care. Move on to local centaur tribe and track down flock of bloodbirds to learn previously unknown ruin was inhabited by bugbear raiding party. Use bloodbirds to decimate raiders, gain henchbeing. Stumble across a temple to Twqmas, an almost dormant Cat power. Ayanna and Sora agree to become her priest and disciple (warlock) respectively, saving Twqmas from dissolution.

Upon returning to Mostl the party is sent into the local Arch to find a recent visitor who may have information on how to combat a curse causing victims to get violent and then freeze solid. When entering the Arch they find a pseudo-dragon who says he was left there by the PCs father, a silver dragon. The PsD guides the party to a different arch where they find themselves at a high elevation in a deep fog within an unnatural spooky deciduous forest.