Cyberpunk Game
AD&D Game
Monsters & Mayhem




Campaign 2a

Dungeon of the Black Fang

Magic - TBD Monsters - TBD Groups - TBD People Places Races - TBD Things - TBD

Summary - The PCs are in Mostl, either as students at MACDS or for their own reasons. They are approached by Spensa - TBD who asks them to take up the cause of RotTooth the Goblin whom the Counsel thinks is a brigand threatening the town but Spensa believes came seeking aid. The Counsel was already hearing the petition of a group of homesteaders asking for assistance with the mysterious poisoning and disappearance of their livestock when RotTooth appeared bearing a skin of the poison in question. Spensa spoke to the goblin before his execution and learned his tribe is suffering extinction because a dragon has taken over their lair and is poisoning the land around it. RotTooth brought a sample of the poison but the town council used it to execute him.

RotTooth gave Spensa basic directions to his lair("Go to big tree, but not BIG big tree...") but his interior descriptions were incomprehensible. The only clear instruction was when you found the statue ("Big stone man and not food kitty") look for the door somewhere to the right ("Go mouth hand not butt hand"). Spensa offers the PCs 500 GP (paid in electrum coins with some guy's profile on them) and a pair of Messenger Bags. She gives the party a 10 day and offers additional rewards if they come back with information about strange 7 pointed star sigils, weird obelisks, or someone called the "Cryptic Keeper".