









Flora found primarily in the Underdark, Darkflowers look like sunflowers but are mottled in shades of grey and black. The only grow on corpses and smell of rotted meat.

Finding nutrients in the Underdark is challenging for mobile predators, more so for plants bigger than moss or lichen. Darkflowers overcome this by creating their own seed beds: dead bodies chemically altered to provide a rich growing environment for seedlings but unappetizing to others. To ensure a steady supply of hosts the Darkflower emits the scent of freshly rotting meat. This attracts predators and scavengers seeking an easy meal. What they find is a mound of distasteful mush covered in Darkflowers which launch needle sharp hard shelled seeds into the creature. The seeds germinate inside the victim, liquifying muscles and organs to a pulpy consistency. This kills the target and restarts the cycle.

Note: While a Cure Wounds spell will heal the physical damage of being shot by the seeds, a Cure Disease spell is required to stop the germination process and expel the seedlings from the body.

Darkflowers are occasionally found on the surface world, but do poorly in sunlight. They are much sought after by botanists, florists, and alchemists.

Name: Darkflower
Player Monster

Attribute Normal Hard Extreme
STR 1 1 1
CON 15 8 3
POW 20 10 4
DEX 1 1 1
APP 80 40 16
INT 10 5 2
EDU 10 5 2
SIZ 50 25 10

Soul Point Skill Cost Effect
Cause Disease x 1 10 Point cost is boosted because Darkflower can only cause the Fatal version of disease and victims do not get Advantage on their CON roll
Infravision x 1 9 Can sense heat sources up to 60'

Weapons Normal Hard Extreme Dmg Range
Seed 75 38 15 1d4 60'

Darkflowers have no skills.