









Drakene are tiny dragons, no bigger than a halfling's or pixling's thumb. They prey upon insects and the occasional small rodent, and are preyed upon by birds, bats, and the occasional adventurous cat. Drakene have tiny jets at the base of their wings, and fly using rocket propulsion instead of flapping. In cold, damp weather the air near a drakene lair will be criss-crossed with pencil thin dual contrails.

Name: Drakene
Player Monster

Attribute Normal Hard Extreme
STR 3 2 1
CON 10 5 2
POW 20 10 4
DEX 90 45 18
APP 90 45 18
INT 10 5 2
EDU 10 5 2
SIZ 1 1 0

Soul Point Skill Cost Effect
Fly x 3 8 Drakene have orifaces at the base of their wings which act as tiny jets, propelling them at impressive speeds.
Burning Hands x 1 6 Drakene fly with their mouths open, acting as air intakes for their wing rocket vents. They can rearrange their internal air conduits and exhale the flames in a small fan to flash fry insects or defend themselves from predators. They cannot both breathe flames and fly at the same time, so they must either glide or stall in midair to do so.
Infravision x 1 6 Per the spell. Always on.

Weapons Normal Hard Extreme Dmg Range
Bite 25 12 5 1d2 Touch
Claws 15 7 3 1 Touch
Flaming Breath 25 12 5 1d6 + 1 3'

Skill Normal Hard Extreme
Accounting 0 0 1
Anthropology 0 0 1
Archaelogy 0 0 1
Art/Craft: 0 0 1
Astronomy 1 1 0
Bargain 5 3 1
Biology 1 1 0
Boat/Ship 1 1 0
Brawling 25 13 5
Chemistry 1 1 0
Climb 40 20 8
Conceal 15 8 3
Credit Rating 15 8 3
Disguise 1 1 0
Dodge 45 23 9
Drive Animal 20 10 4
Fast Talk 5 3 1
First Aid 30 15 6
Herbalism 5 3 1
History 20 10 4
Insight 0 0 0
Jump 25 13 5
Language 0 0 1
Library Use 25 13 5
Listen 25 13 5
Locksmith 1 1 0
Medicine 5 3 1
Native Lang 10 5 2
Natural World 10 5 2
Navigate 10 5 2
Occult 5 3 1
Opr Heavy Mach 1 1 0
Other 1 1 0
Other 1 1 0
Persuade 15 8 3
Pilot 0 0 1
Potions 0 0 1
Repair/Devise 5 3 1
Ride 5 3 1
Science 0 0 1
Spot Hidden 25 13 5
Stealth 10 5 2
Swim 45 23 9
Throw 25 13 5
Track 10 5 2
Wagon 1 0.5 0