










A small city ruled by a clique of Admirals, the descendants of the captains who originally tamed the city. The original Admirals purchased all the land on the island and then secured the loyalty of the most powerful captains by giving them no-cost leases on land and a seat on the "Commodore's Council" as effective nobility. The Admirals and Council then announced the new civic order and laid out the laws forbidding the most egregious piranical activity, including slavery. The combined might of the Admirals and Commodores, combined with the crews of captains who saw the advantages of a safe pirate port, aided by an uprising of slaves who hoped for emancipation, was sufficient to overcome the resistance of those who wished to see Freeburg keep the lawless ways.

In the years since Freeburg has prospered as "the world's most boring pirate port." Buccaneer captai;ns willingly contract to sail under an Admiral's flag (called an Accord) and are assigned to a Commodores's "fleet." The captain reports to their Commodore (or more likely one of the Commodore's assistants, ranked as Commanders), who assigns dockage, permits shore leave for the crew, and collects the Commodore's and Admiral's share of the plunder. The Commodore is also responsible for securing any captured slavers and caring for any freed slaves.

Captured slavers are sold at auction to residents of the island. Most are purchased by Admirals or Commodores to work the prison farms or clean the harbor.