Cyberpunk Game
AD&D Game

Pyrophoric Fog

School: Verbal: Somatic: Range: AoE: Casting Time: Duration: Damage: Occutism:
Abjuration Yes Yes 80' Cone 3 3 segments See Description 80%

Minimum Skill: 80%
Cost 8 Magic Points

When cast, the weaver exudes a cloud of damp particulates which spread in a fan with an 60' depth, and an arc of 80' width at the apex.

The particulates cling to any surface with which they make contact. They dry by the end of the casting segment. On the next segment the flecks burst into flame, causing 2 points/Weave of damage. The third round the flames increase in potency, causing 4 points/Weave of damage before decreasing for a final round of burning at 2 points/Weave of damage.

For example: If Willey Peet cast Pyrophoric Fog with a triple Weave, it would do 6 points of damage the first segment, 12 points on the second, and 6 points on the third.

Heavy smoke hangs in the air for three minutes after the fire burns out, blocking both normal and infravision.