
Furbaby is a drug derived from Lycan DNA that a gives the user access to Lycan advantages without having to take the associated Lycan disadvantages. It affects Lycans and humans differently as noted below.

Each HT point worth of blood creates 5 doses of Furbaby. Few Lycans will willingly give their blood to create the drug as it leaves them in a weakened state and likely to undergo an uncontrolled Change. Therefore most Furbaby is created from blood drained by force from captive Lycans. Given the incredible street value of Furbaby, the difficulty in capturing a Lycan, and the retribution they would suffer if discovered by the Pack for mistreating a Lycan, most producers will drain their captives empty and destroy the body.


Gives 10 temporary CP per dose that can be used to take Lycan Traits.

Lasts 1 hours per dose.

At the end of the trip, users must make a WIL check with +1 penalty per dose. On a Critical Failure, they gain the -15 point Addiction disadvantage with no gain in base points.

At the beginning of the trip, users must make a HT check with +1 penalty per dose. On a Critical Failure, they die. Lycans call it "Being Put Down".


Get 10 temporary CP per dose that can be used to take random Lycan traits.

Lasts 2 hour per dose.

At the end of the trip, users must make a HT check with +1 penalty per dose. On a Critical Failure, they gain the -15 point Addiction disadvantage with no gain in base points.

At the beginning of the trip, users must make a WIL check with +1 penalty per dose. On a Critical Failure, they undergo an imperfect form of the change. They gain the disadvantages Appearance: Horrific,

On a Critical Failure user Turns into a Lycan

Furbaby is sold in the following formats and strength:

Nibble: drop mixed with a shot of alcohol (2 dose)

Nip: saturated paper, like LSD (3 doses)

Bite: crystalized and ground to a fine powder, snorted (6 doses)

Ass to mouth: liquid TB injected into the rectum and absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the intestine (10 doses)