Cyberpunk Game
AD&D Game
Monsters & Mayhem



Monsters & Mayhem

Attune Item

(Magic Points)
1d4 5 Special 1 hour

Allows the caster to attune an item for use with the Activation spell. The item to be used must be of high quality, with no imperfections, but does not have to be particularly valuable. The item remains attuned as long as the caster pays the Maintenance cost. The item develops internal flaws when activated. While it cannot be used again for the spell, it can be sold for approximately half its original worth.

The caster does not pay the casting cost in magic points at the time of attunement, instead using the POW points to infuse the item with the spell. When the item is Activated the caster regains POW points at the normal rate.

Deeper magic: if a remnant of the shattered moon is used, rather than native Earth gems, it grants a +20% chance of success to the casting of the Activation spell.

Special: Cost to Maintain - 110% of the attuned spell’s casting cost in POW (rounded up).

Alternative names: Empower Crystal, Mental Acclimatization of the Stone.