
Tito Suparmin

Located in a small cavern deep in the Stonepoint Underdark the body is obviously the remains of a long-lost adventurer. The desiccated body, now a pile of bones and scales, lies propped against the wall, clad in sharkskin armor, with a spear embeded in its chest, and clutching half an oyster shell in its hand.

The corpse is that of the famed, but long-lost, adventurer Tito Suparmin. Tito came from a coral dwelling Nire tribe in the South Seas but made his name as a mercenary fighting for the floating city-states of Ja'co. He disappeared from history when the ship he was on was carried away by a Garuda, a roc of the Southern Seas.

The spear is Lembing Benderang. The inside of the shell is inscribed with tiny writing:

Here lies a fool who followed fools. If it pleases the salt, take a part of me and drop it in Mother Ocean. Say a prayer for a wet dweller who died dry.

Take the spear.