Monsters & Mayhem
Integram Librum Magicae
Accursed Eye
Alter Weather
Animate Flesh Thing
Animate Mummy
Learn: 1d10 Karma
Cast: 5 magic points
Maintain: 0
Casting time: 1+ hour
A ritual used to animate an undead mummy as described in the Call of Cthulhu Rulebook. The mummy has double the STR it had in life, half again its original CON, and two- thirds of its DEX; its movement rate is 6. Mummies retain all knowledge of skills and spells from their former lives. As the mummy’s brain is removed during the preparation process—for purposes of the game—this has no effect on INT; it is assumed that the daemonic essence which powers the undead can plunder the memories of the human spirit trapped in the body.
While this spell will animate the corpse, it does not grant the caster any sort of control over the monster.
Deeper magic: with a ritual process of 40 days, the caster may perform a full mummification, turning a deceased human into a mummy, and then bringing them to life. The process follows the classical procedure for removal of organs, embalming, and wrapping of the corpse.
Alternative names: Ritual of Mumia.
Appear Human
Learn: 1 Karma
Cast: 5+ magic points
Maintain: Varies
Casting time: 5+ rounds (equal to number of magic points spent)
Allows anthropomorphic creatures of average human size or smaller to appear outwardly human. While the spell is commonly known among serpent folk, its use is not exclusive to them. The spell works only on the caster (it cannot be cast on others) and generates an illusionary human APP of 3D6 × 5. Each additional magic point spent grants an additional 1D3 × 5 APP (to a maximum APP of 100). Maintaining the illusion costs POW equal to one-fifth of the caster’s final APP.
Each caster has a unique “human” appearance and takes the same form each time the spell is cast. Variation in the caster’s illusory APP is reflected by age and beauty: the higher the APP, the younger and more attractive. A caster can appear to be the same person, young and handsome one day, and aged and ugly the next.
The spell has drawbacks. Once the spell is cast, the Keeper rolls 1D100: if the result is greater than the caster’s remaining magic points multiplied by 5, there is some small telltale flaw in the illusion. For example, a mummy may have a hollow, raspy voice, a serpent person’s skin may have a hint of scales, a human might be oddly proportioned, and so on. If injured, the caster must succeed with a POW roll, or the illusion fails and the caster’s true form is revealed (witnesses should roll for POW or be stunned for 1 round). Note that most creatures avoid generating too high an APP value; such beauty is beyond the norm and often brings about unwanted attention.
Alternative names: Glamour, Guile of Beauty, Cloak of the Animal.
Apportion Ka
Learn: 2D10 Karma
Cast: 10 magic points
Maintain: 15 POW
Casting time: 1 week
A portion of the caster’s life essence, or “Ka,” is transferred into one of his or her vital organs. The enchanted organ is then removed from the caster’s body, to be hidden away for safekeeping and providing the wizard with a form of resurrection — as long as the enchanted organ remains safely hidden the wizard will be effectively invulnerable to death.
This spell was first used by followers of the death cults of Ancient Egypt, who would remove a vital organ, such as the heart or liver, and lock them away in canopic jars in safe places. This would make the caster virtually impossible to kill, if not for the spell’s one weakness. The brain is the seat of the spell’s power and, as such, could not be removed. If the brain was destroyed, the other organs would lose their magical properties and the caster would die. Having one’s own insides removed results in the permanent loss of 5 POW per organ removed.
Attacks cause only normal damage (unless the head is specifically targeted). If the caster’s body suffers enough damage to “die,” the body expires but the caster’s Ka returns to the site of the canopic jar and a new body regenerates over the course of a week. The caster awakens alive and unharmed but no longer protected by the spell. To regain the protection the caster would have to undergo a new casting and sacrifice a different organ.
True Death will only occur if the brain is specifically targeted (a called shot at a 2R Disadvantage [unless the target is restrained]) or if the enchanted organ is destroyed.
Alternative names: Imbue Essence, Extraction of the Will, The Deathless Breath.
Ariadne’s Twine
Learn: 1D4 Karma
Cast: 5 magic points
Maintain: 1 POW
Casting time: 5 rounds
When cast on a target (who may also be the caster), their mind is filled with a three-dimensional map of any maze or labyrinth that they physically enter. As long as this spell is active, the target cannot get lost. The sudden flashes of inspiration and the experience of realizing the maze in the mind’s eye causes the temporary loss of 1D4 INT points. An unwilling target may counter the spell with an opposed POW roll.
Alternative names: Unlock Bewilderment, Unraveling the Convolutions of Stone.
Ascend the Stairs of Insight
Learn: 1 Karma
Cast: 5 magic points
Maintain: N/A
Casting time: 6 hours
This spell is said to have been used repeatedly by Genghis Khan on his path to world domination.
By sitting in meditation for 6 hours while inhaling the pollen of the Black Lotus the caster receives insight into a question or riddle. This insight is revealed over the course of the 6 hours as a vision where the caster climbs a seemingly infinite staircase, interacting with as many trippy scenarios as the Storyteller can devise. The Storyteller secretly rolls the spell skill check and tailors the advice given the character based on the results of the roll.
Alternative names: None.
Contact Dreamer
Learn: 3 Karma
Cast: 8 magic points
Maintain: N/A
Casting time: Instantaneous
This incantation is cast by the magi before going to sleep. The spell catapults the caster directly into a deep dream state within which they can attempt to contact other sleepers and engage them in conversation. Those contacted may not know or believe the caster is anything other than a figment of their own dreaming imagination and react with cooperation, disdain, amusement, or horror. Players and Storytellers should have their characters react appropriately to their experience and expectation with the spell.
While the spell provides a conduit for communication between the dreamers it does not provide control over the dream environment. Dreams are notoriously unbound of reality and the Storyteller is encouraged to present the player(s) with challenges during the conversation based on the success of the roll.
Deeper magic: variations of this spell are believed to exist allowing the caster to control the Dream environment and use the Dream’s fluid nature to torture and torment the victim for information, pleasure, or to send a warning.
Alternative names: Visitation in Dreams, Parley of Morpheus, Mortification in the land of Nod.
Attract Fish
Learn: 1 Karma
Cast: 4 magic points
Maintain: N/A
Casting time: 5 minutes
Summons fish to the caster’s location. The caster must prepare bait (mixed with the caster’s blood), which is then thrown into the ocean (or open water location) while a chant is sung. Within 1-hour 1D100 fish, local to the area, congregate.
Deeper magic: a variation of this spell can attract the leviathans of the deep: giant squid, monstrous octopods, sperm whales, etc. The variation does not require blood-bait, but rather a talisman engraved with the image of the desired creature which is thrown into the ocean as a sea chanty is sung. Some say the correct talismans will attract unnatural less wholesome things.
Alternative names: Gather the Abundance of the Sea.
Attune Item
Learn: 1D2 Karma
Cast: 4 magic points
Maintain: N/A
Casting time: 1+ hour
Casting grants portents of the future—if the caster is enlightened enough to understand them. The tools for scrying vary and could be anything from using a scrying mirror to tarot cards, animal entrails to tea leaves, the casting of runes or watching the flight patterns of birds. Timing can vary due to the tools and nature of the scrying. The chance of understanding an augury is a roll equal to or less than the augur’s POW. A portent may be vague, subtle, dreamlike, or in a cryptic verse—the future is not a book to be read, but rather a poem to be interpreted. Successful use of the spell should provide at least one useful piece of information.
Note: the Keeper should prepare the portent with care. Revealing too much can easily rob players of their sense of free will and limit the Keeper’s freedom of action. Revealing too little is pointless and frustrating. A well- balanced portent can add meaningful thrills and chills to the game when the Keeper stages future events which seem to correlate with the portent.
Alternative names: Augur, Scry, Cast the Runes, The Eye of Destiny.
Awaken Echidna
Learn: 1D10 + 2 Karma
Cast: 12 magic points
Maintain: N/A
Casting time: 36 Hours
This spell summons forth an aspect of the Corruption daemon Echidna, Mother of Monsters. Echidna is called upon by those who wish for daemonic henchmen or familiars. Echidna demands a high price in humanity (Karma) for binding her children, with the power of the offspring increasing the cost.
But like any good merchant, the first one is always free.
Echidna, as an Apex Daemon, can only enter the world through the intercession of humans, and is limited in her actions while within our reality. She circumvents this challenge by sending her children through the Daemimonde to tempt humans and turn them to her service. These offspring offer themselves as minions and advisors to the power-hungry, with their counsel always eventually turning to the topic of power through servitude. These familiars usually assume the forms of black cats, rats, imps, or crows, although they are limited only by their master’s imaginations. They preach the opportunities available through Echidna and can teach their masters the summoning spell. Casting the spell under the tutelage of a familiar grants a 1R Advantage.
Once summoned the caster must negotiate with Echidna’s aspect. This can be handled as opposed Persuade rolls. Echidna has a Persuade skill of 90% and gets a 1R Advantage (she is an ancient daemoness, after all) so it is unlikely she will ever actually get snookered. Instead roll to see how the caster’s skill check compares to Echidna’s. If the caster rolls well, she is impressed and sees potential in the new servant. Those who roll poorly strike her as useful fools to be subjugated. Casters who Crit Fail the spell succeed in summoning the Daemoness but she arrives offended and enraged, which usually results in her eating the caster and the incompetent familiar. (Allow good role playing to overrule poor dice rolling. If as Storyteller you feel the player did or said something which would have impressed or amused Echidna, negotiate as such. If the Player roleplays something which would likely have annoyed or insulted Echidna allow the good negotiating roll to stand but mark it against the character for future encounters.)
Echidna demands fealty to consign her offspring to servitude. Supplicants who negotiated poorly may trade Karma for monsters with a total STAT pool of 10x the number of Karma points surrendered. Those who impressed her get a better deal, gaining a STAT pool of 20x the number of Karma points surrendered. The Karma loss is permanent, even if the subject monster dies.
The subjugated monsters serve their master to the best of their ability and do not require POW to control. They will follow orders even if the instructions work against their Mother’s interests. The overarching goal is to tempt the caster to negotiate their entire Humanity to the Mother, swelling her power and enlarging their ranks. They are not replaced if they die, the caster must summon Echidna and negotiate anew.
Echidna’s aspect is of a beautiful woman from the waist up. From the waste down she has the tail of a terrible serpent. Once the caster has concluded their negotiations Echidna fondles the magi’s genitalia, causing a sharp pain in either the testes or uterus. Echidna then lays an egg from which hatches the new master’s monster.
Alternative names: Rise O’ The Mother, The Birthing.
Awaken Gamayun
Learn: 1D8 Karma
Cast: 8+ magic points
Maintain: 5 POW per minute, paid by the sacrifice.
Casting time: 1+ Hours
To bring an aspect of Gamayun the caster must present him or herself before a tree strung with feathers under an open sky. The spell requires a living human sacrifice.
As the spell is cast, the feathers begin to sway in a hypnotic pattern; all who witness it must make a POW roll or become entranced, swaying like the feathers. Whether the summons is completely successful depends on the number of magic points invested, for every 8 magic points invested, the chance to summon an aspect of Gamayun is 10% (attendees may contribute magic points. Those who fall entranced will unconsciously contribute all their existing magic points into the spell). As the spell progresses, the feathers (and entranced witnesses) spin faster and faster. At the same time, Gamayun’s aspect appears in the air; her feathers float down from the sky and cover the sacrifice, draining 5 POW from it every minute to maintain the spell. While Gamayun is manifested she will willingly answer all questions in the Socratic manner, providing as long winded an answer as she can. Gamayun is incredibly knowledgeable about events on both sides of the Daemimonde and can provide insight even into the prophesies and cryptic answers provided by other Daemons or Auguries. When dismissed she will always ask another question or hint at a deeper answer trying to elongate her time as much as possible. When finally dismissed one feather remains, piercing the victim’s tongue.
Most sacrifices are drained of POW during the spell and are left as insane husks of their former selves, spending their remaining days babbling nonsense. Those who retain POW will gain an innate form of the Augury spell, which will cause them to fall into a swaying trance (reminiscent of the dance of the feathers in the tree) and emit cryptic predictions which are near impossible to understand but are always important. (The skill level of the Augury spell is equal to the vicitm’s remaining POW points and cannot be improved.) Of course, Gamayun would be happy to help interpret….
Alternative names: Summon The Feathered Sage.
Awaken the Beast
Learn: 1D8 Karma
Cast: 5 magic points
Maintain: The subject loses all Karma points.
Casting time: 1D3 Hours
Transforms a human over a period of 1D6+2 days into an animal, permanently. The spell requires several hours to cast, involving chanting and painting the target’s body to represent the animal they are to become; thus, requiring a successful Art/Craft (Painting) skill roll for the spell to be successful. The transformation is usually into a mammal, although occasionally it can be a reptile. Each variation of this spell tends to be specific to the region in which it is used, so if cast by an African sorcerer, the form would be of an animal native to the African continent, and so forth. The target does not have to be willing or aware of the effects of the spell, but they must eat—willingly or not—a pound of human flesh for the spell to work. For the transformation to be successful the caster must make an opposed POW roll versus the target. The target loses all Karma for their participation in the ceremony.
During the transformation, the target starts to take on characteristics of the animal they are about to become, such as fur, scales, elongated snouts, canines, paws, and so on, generally loosing INT while their other characteristics increase or decrease over the period of transformation— see the Beasts section in the Call of Cthulhu Rulebook for statistics of various animals. People who are willing participants in the ceremony and who make a successful Hard POW roll can choose to retain their INT and their ability to speak as humans, even though the rest of their body become animal. There is no known cure or reversal for this transformation.
Alternative names: Regression, Reversion of the Soul, Two Feet Four Feet.
Namazu Thrashes
Learn: 1D6 Karma
Cast: 5+ magic points
Maintain: N/A
Casting time: 1 Hour
This Japanese spell allows the caster to summon an aspect of Namazu who “thrashes” underground for a short time and then (usually) depart.
It is said that the Daemon Catfish Namazu lies far below the main islands of Japan (where three major tectonic plates meet). Someday, perhaps, Japan will sink because of the actions of this creature. Some, however, believe that earthquakes are caused by four titanic elephants who stand upon the back of a planet sized sea turtle upon which the world rests. This is generally considered too insane to even consider.
The caster invests 5 magic points for each point of earthquake power on the Richter Scale (1–9). The base area of effect is one mile for each point of earthquake power centered on the caster (who is affected by the spell.) The shaking decreases at scale = miles of effect.
For example: Liam, a mage suffering delusions of grandeur, casts Namazu Thrashes on the Koi pond outside a noodle restaurant which he believed shortchanged him. Liam imbues the spell with 15 magic points, for a Richter Scale earthquake of 3. Everything within a three mile diameter circle centered on the targeted Koi pond will feel the effects of the Scale 3 earthquake. The area within a two mile band adjacent to the Scale 3 area will suffer a Scale 2 earthquake, and an outer band one mile wide will have a minor Scale 1 trembler. (See table below.)
The caster must target either a living catfish or Koi fish as the center of the spell. The targeted fish will “sink” into the earth, visibly growing as it descends. At the end of the hour casting time the earthquake will begin. The caster does not have to remain in the area (and probably doesn’t want to). If the earthquake is above 5 on the scale, there is a chance (cumulative 5% per point above 5 on the Richter scale (i.e. 5% at 5, 10% at 6, 15% at 7, etc.)) that Nanazu’s aspect appears to surface and visibly inflict damage.
Scale Effect
1.0 - 3.9 Minor shaking, accidents,
4.0 - 5.9 wooden buildings topple.
6.0 - 7.9 Severe shaking, most structures damaged.
8.0 - 9.9+ Everything flattened, many deaths, the "Big One."
Alternative names: none known.
Awaken the Inner Light
Learn: 1D2 Karma
Cast: 1 magic point
Maintain: N/A
Casting time: 1 Month
A ritual allowing the caster to slowly augment their POW, increasing magical potential and potency through gradual enlightenment. Requires a strict regimen of diet, fasting, meditation, and exercises, the spell requires the caster to spend at least two hours a day in meditation inside a magical circle. The circle requires 1 magic point to activate. The practice of daily rituals and meditation must be strictly observed for an entire month as the slightest deviation breaks the spell. At the end of one lunar month, the caster attempts an Extreme POW roll (cannot be modified using pre-enchanted circles or other magical tools). If successful, the caster’s POW increases by 5 points. This POW increase causes a corresponding increase of magic and Karma points but also ages the caster 5 years (with resultant changes to characteristics as applicable). If the roll fails, or if the ritual is in any way interrupted, the caster gains no benefits, but neither do they age—they must wait a full lunar month before attempting it again.
Alternative names: Diet of Cleansing and Energy, Meditation of the Inner Essence.
Awaken God’s Servant
Learn: 1D3 Karma
Cast: Variable magic points voluntarily sacrificed from at least 10 participants.
Maintain: N/A
Casting time: 1 Hour
Transforms the target into a daemonic hybrid, allowing the human body to host a Daemon’s aspect and give it permanent physical form. Usually associated with Daemons who have an established body of worshippers. The subject must be a creature capable of conscious thought. The ritual must be performed in an area which has been sanctified to the Daemon for at least seven days. The ritual takes an hour, and an icon must be inserted into the body. For every magic point collected from the followers, there is a 5% chance the implant will be successful. A successful Art/Craft (Music) roll allows the caster to synchronize a rhythm between the blood of the target and the chanting of the worshippers, increasing the chance of success by another 10%. This ritual cannot be performed on any of the participants who are providing magic points.
The hybrid transforms to take the shape of the creature engraved on the icon, which is usually a servitor form associated with a religion dedicated to an Apex Daemon. (Christians usually take angelic form and Satanists devils, but a cult dedicated to an Ancient Egyptian god could produce Wolf (Anubis) or Snake (Set) headed warriors, Japanese Shinto worshippers would produce Oni, etc.) The subject creates a STAT pool of their exiting STAT points plus their existing Karma points and uses that pool to create their new hybrid form. The subject loses all aspects of their previous personality and becomes a servitor of the Daemon overlord worshipped by the creators.
Alternative names: Child of Destiny, Martyrdom for the Faith, Blessing of the Holy Warrior.
Awful Doom
Learn: 1D10 Karma
Cast: 9 magic points
Maintain: N/A
Casting time: 1 round
This spell creates a glistening silvery thread which springs from the caster’s fingertip towards the intended target, who suffers as if they were having molten lead run through the marrow of their bones. The spell costs 9 magic points and has a range of up to 20 yards. The round after the spell is cast the target is incapable of any action save writhing and screaming. Each successful attack causes the target’s CON to be reduced by 3D10 points permanently.
Alternative names: none known.
Learn: 1D2 Karma
Cast: 2 magic points
Maintain: 2 POW
Casting time: 1 round
The spell creates subtle audible, visual, and olfactory illusions (visible only to the target) designed to draw the target away from their current location. As the target approaches the illusion, the object recedes at approximately the same speed, in the direction the caster wills, either to an ambush or away from the caster’s goal. As in sport fishing, the target decides whether to take the bait.
This is a fairly well-known spell and is popular among thieves and military personnel. The spell lasts as long as it is maintained for an approximate range of one mile.
Deeper magic: it is hinted that an alternative version of the spell exists. In this rare version, the target is enchanted to see his or her heart’s desire, be it gold, a lost loved one, or something else. The target of the Deeper version must make an opposed POW roll or automatically pursue the illusion to the limit of the maintenance or range.
Alternative names: The Larcenists Friend, Allure on the Weak Mind, Jewel of the Heart.
Brood Bomb
Learn: 1D3 Karma
Cast: Variable magic points
Maintain: 2 POW
Casting time: 3 rounds
Infects a target with the essence of a small (Build -1 or smaller) natural creature like insects, snakes, or rats. At a preset trigger is implanted in the victim’s psyche which will cause the essence to cannibalize the host and create a swarm of the creatures who will attack every living creature in the area. Common triggers are hearing a specific word, entering a location, or seeing a person. Once triggered the spell transfigures the victim’s muscles and organs into 1d4 swarms or packs of the original creatures per magic point sacrificed for the spell. The exception is snakes, which are created at 1d6 individual creatures per magic point.
The caster (and others who know the spell) can expend as many magic points as desired. Those who touch the caster while the spell is intoned may add +1 magic point per person, and each person involved pays 2 POW to maintain the Bomb.
Deeper Magic: The Occultist can attempt to enhance the abilities of the brood creatures by casting the spell with a target of Hard or Extreme. Creatures with a Hard Enhancement can have one performance boost, like rolling a d6 instead of a d4 for Initiative, rolling with 1R Advantage on attacks or a d4 bonus on damage. Creatures with Extreme Enhancement can have two performance boosts.
Alternative names: Dispel Children of the Labyrinth, Crack the Eggs of White Death.
Baneful Dust of Hermes Trismegistus
Learn: 1D3 Karma
Cast: 4 magic points
Maintain: 2 POW per dose
Casting time: 24 Hours (1 round to use)
Similar to the Dust Of Suleiman (page 102), this spell only affects creatures with a terrestrial component (this includes humans, Sleestaks, mummies, Turnskins, Nosferatu, the Possessed, etc., but not ghosts, summoned daemons, Spawn of Echidna, etc.). Anyone may use the gold- colored dust created by the spell.
The dust’s effects are horrible and ensitive observers must make a CON check or be stunned for a minute as they retch. A creature covered in the dust flinches and flails, and sometimes screams. Its body smokes and burns, as if eaten by powerful acid. Only the most fearsome entities continue to fight after an application of this terrible dust.
To apply the dust requires that the target be within throwing range. With a successful Throw roll, the dust burns the extraterrestrial creature for 2D6 points of damage. Armor does not protect against the dust. Each successful throw of the dust causes the same damage. If the Throw is missed, the nimbus of the dust still inflicts 1 hit point of damage. The creature escapes damage only if the Throw roll is fumbled. The formula for the dust requires uncommon chemicals and ingredients in a proportion of combined weight roughly equal to two pounds. Two ounces of this concoction is enough for one dose. Sixteen doses can be made each time the formula is prepared. Brewing the dust is a consuming job, taking 24 hours to prepare and dry the mixture. 4 magic points are invested, and a successful Science (Chemistry, Pharmacy) or Medicine roll is required for a batch to work; the Keeper should make this roll in secret, as the caster should have no idea if a batch will be effective.
Alternative names: Golden Motes of Fire, Curse of the Seven Senses, Bane of the Earthbound.
The Peace of Isis
Learn: 1D6 Karma
Cast: 10 magic points
Maintain: 2 POW per dose
Casting time: 1 Day
This ancient Egyptian ritual is meant to dispel daemons animating human corpses as mummies. The ritual emulates the original mummification process: after crafting a wax model or carving a small drawing of the human as they appeared in life, the caster washes the effigy while extolling the power of Isis. While still exalting the goddess, the caster immerses the icon in embalming fluid, rubs it with salt, and wraps it in a strip of linen. The caster then buries the effigy with a small offering of treasure and food. Any event causing the distraction of the caster causes the spell to fail (Keepers may wish to impose a POW roll, at varying difficulty, should something have the potential to distract the caster).
If performed successfully, the daemon possessing the body must make an opposed POW roll against the caster’s skill check. If the daemon fails it is banished to the Land of the Dead (wherever that may be). The person or entity which was maintaining the mummy will know of its destruction but not how.
Alternative names: Restore the Dead to Rest, By Isis’ Command Banish the Soul Eater.
Banish Memory
Learn: 1D4 Karma
Cast: Variable magic points
Maintain: N/A
Casting time: 2 rounds
This insidious incantation removes a victim’s memories. The caster may expend as many magic points as desired, and additional supporters present may donate 1 magic point each to the casting. The victim loses 1 minute of memory for each magic point spent if they fail an opposed POW roll against the caster’s skill check. Memories are lost from most recent back. The caster must dab the victim’s forehead with a paste of goldfish scales during the casting. If the paste is not available, the victim rolls with 1R Advantage.
Alternative names: Revoke Reminiscence; Breaking the House of Mirrors.
Banish Thy Name
Learn: 1D4 Karma
Cast: 12 magic points
Maintain: 4 POW per night until the spell succeeds or the casting ceases
Casting time: 1+ nights
Using the target’s True Name, this spell allows a caster to banish a target from this existence. The caster must Attune a specially blessed rectangular silk paper on the night of the new moon. Speaking aloud the target’s True Name (full birth name), the caster writes the name of a specific person or being on a piece of silk paper. Each night, the caster chants the target’s name for an hour while the target sleeps (and each night invests 12 magic points and loses 4 POW). Each night of casting, the caster makes an opposed POW roll versus the target. If the caster succeeds, the target loses 30 points from STR, DEX, SIZ, CON, INT, and POW (the loss distributed as evenly as possible). The target also suffers from horrible nightmares. If the caster fails the opposed roll, he or she suffers a loss of 4 CON (the spell demands a price). This process continues until either the target’s STR, DEX, SIZ, CON, INT, and POW are reduced to zero, meaning that they have faded from existence—unless the caster is prevented from continuing or stops the spell voluntarily. If the caster ultimately fails to complete the spell (removing the target from existence), the target’s characteristics return with bed rest (30 points per day, back to their starting values). The caster’s CON rejuvenates at 1D4 points per day.
If the target, who becomes weaker with each passing day, realizes they are the focus of a curse, they may attempt to seek out the caster to prevent the spell from going any further. Of course, if the caster is killed, the target is safe from further characteristic loss.
Alternative names: The Fading, Cast Away from this Mortal Plane, The Hideous Wickedness.
Learn: 1D4 Karma
Cast: 1D4+3 magic points
Maintain: N/A
Casting time: variable (minimum 1 hour)
Banishes most trans-dimensional human or human-like intelligences. The banishment is directed at an individual target, rather than a type or genus of monsters. Correctly performed, the banishment lasts until the creature is summoned anew.
At least three people must participate in the spell (and each pays the spell’s cost). All participants must have learned the spell. More participants add to the effectiveness; however, the total number of participants must be divisible by three.
The spell must be performed in the open air in the middle of the night, ideally in a place associated with the target. This could be known haunts, its last known location, or its point of entry into this dimension. The spellcasters must divide their numbers: one-third should remain outside a protective circle, while the rest stand within.
This banishment works by destroying, with ritual flames, a piece of the target, like hair, nail clippings, fur, or scales. The target’s blood is ideal but an icon can be substituted if prepared according to a formula described within the spell. For the spell to take effect an opposed POW roll must be made between the caster with the highest POW and the target; +5% is granted to the caster’s POW for each additional set of three casters.
Alternative names: Banish Spawn of the Seven Hells, Cast Out Daemon, Curse of Awful Fire.
Barrier of Pain C
Learn: 1D10 Karma
Cast: 5 magic points
Maintain: 10 POW
Casting time: 5 minutes
Creates an invisible barrier, 500 feet in diameter, from which those trapped inside cannot escape. The spell must have an epicenter (a fixed point), such as a building foundation, a tree, or a large stone, but cannot be a person or a piece of furniture (which could easily be moved). Additionally, the spell only works upon those individuals who are aware of the caster’s existence.
When the spell is cast, those trapped inside the barrier’s circle must attempt an opposed POW roll versus the caster if they attempt to leave the circle: those succeeding endure stabbing headaches, sharp stomach pains, and jabs across their entire body, as if nails are being pounded into their skin, and lose 1 hit point per round for 1D10 rounds— after this time, the pain ceases. The pain also stops if the individual re-enters the barrier circle. If the POW roll is failed, the pain is worse and the individual suffers 1D3 hit points damage per round until they move back inside the barrier (no time limit). If the individual can locate and stand at the very epicenter of the spell’s circle and win an opposed POW roll versus the caster, the spell no longer affects them.
Alternative names: The Hideous Poking Torment, Ward of Ceaseless Agony.
Bat Form
Learn: 1D8 Karma
Cast: 12 magic points
Maintain: 5 POW
Casting time: 1 round
The caster assume the form and capabilities (flight and acute hearing) of a bat, while retaining their intelligence and intentions. The caster cannot cast further spells while in animal form.
Deeper magic: some wizards have crafted alternative versions of this spell, allowing them to assume a different animal form, such as a wolf, dog, or raven. The prohibition on casting while in animal form remains the same.
Alternative names: Skin Walk, The Witches Way, The Cloak of Another.
Veil of the Daemimonde
Learn: 1D4 Karma
Cast: 1 magic points
Maintain: 5 POW
Casting time: 1 round
Hides the caster from mundane observers by partially shifting his or her body into the Daemimonde. The caster and their personal possessions become invisible to all but spirit senses. Sight and hearing remain attuned to the material plane but with a distant, less distinct character, as if a cold mist surrounds them. The caster can move normally. The spell’s effect lasts as long as the caster concentrates.
Attacks: Making a melee attack while beyond the Veil requires a new skill check to reenter the Daemimonde after attacking. Casting the spell so it takes effect beyond the Veil requires a Hard result on a skill roll. Defenders suffer a 2R Disadvantage against the first attack, and a 1R Disadvantage against the second.
Dodge: when beyond the Veil the caster gets 1R Advantage to avoid attacks. If the attacker has been deafened the Hunter gets 2R Advantage. However, certain forms of light can make the caster visible - viewing the caster through a specially constructed lens or arrangement of lenses allows the caster to be seen (negating its invulnerability). Spells which heighten the attacker’s senses may negate the caster’s Advantage.
Entering the Daemimonde carries an inherent danger: extra- daemensional creatures can sense the presence of the caster and engage in melee or magical attack. Generally, failing a Luck roll, the caster comes to the attention of a daemon who may elect to observe, pursue, or attack; such creatures typically have POW equal to (2D6+4 ×5). Of course, opportunities to present more powerful and cunning opponents are possible.
Alternative names: Hide Unseen, Cast Off Thy Flesh, Enter the Shadow Realm.
Become Spectral Hunter
Learn: 3D6 Karma
Cast: 16 magic points
Maintain: Target loses all Karma points
Casting time: 1 hour
The caster targets a willing volunteer who is transformed into an invisible, hideous humanoid monster, able to guard, pursue, or attack. The spell requires a specially made figurine, the blood of several animals, and the loss of all Karma points of the target of the spell. The target is transformed permanently and is essentially immortal.
The spectral hunter is linked to the specially prepared figurine and unable to venture far from the place in which the figurine resides. If the figurine is destroyed, the creature is dispelled; however, the creature is able to (magically) refashion a new figurine over the course of a week. Should the figurine be destroyed as part of an Extirpation spell, the spectral hunter is banished permanently.
See below for information about spectral hunters.
Deeper magic: by permanently sacrificing POW equal to 10% of the amount of Karma the target invested in the spell the wizard creates an even more monstrous version of the spectral hunter, with double the STR, CON, SIZ, and hit points.
Alternative names: Summon Creeping Guardian, Rite of the Unseeing Watcher.
Large, hideous humanoids 7 feet in height, covered in rubbery, jet black flesh. Their red eyes, like their mouths filled with shark- like teeth, are overly large. A long, tapering nose dangles from their face, and their bodies are horribly thin and reedy, with distended abdomen. Their limbs terminate in gross appendages, with feet resembling a man’s and hands that are more like huge crab-like pincers. Being slightly immaterial, they appear to float above the ground. Spectral hunters are formidable foes, often created to guard important sites or objects.
Invisible: may become invisible at will, imposing one penalty die on attempts to hit them.
Dodge Bonus: when invisible, the Spectral Hunter gets a 1R Advantage to avoid attacks. If the attacker has been deafened the Hunter gets 2R Advantage. However, certain forms of light can make the hunter visible - viewing the monster through a specially constructed lens or arrangement of lenses allows the hunter to be seen (negating its invulnerability). Spells which heighten the attacker’s senses may negate the Hunter’s Bonus Rolls.
Binding: the life of the hunter is bound to that of the figurine that is used in its creation. The hunter can never be more than one mile away from the figurine. If this figurine is partially damaged the spectral hunter is injured (taking 1D8 damage), whereas the complete destruction of the figurine means that the monster is dispelled but may return in 7 days. Only destroying the figurine and reciting the Chant of Dismissal effectively destroys the monster.
SPECTRAL HUNTER, hideous unseen watcher
STR 100 CON 40
SIZ 95 DEX 55
INT 65
POW 90 EDU —
HP 13
Damage Bonus: +1D6 Build: 2 Move:8 MP: 18
Attacks per round: 1 (bite or pincer)
Fighting* - 40% (20/8), damage 4D6
Dodge* - 40% (20/8)
* Bonus Roll applied when invisible.
Armor: 1-point rubbery hide; invisible (see above).
Skills: Stealth 70%.
Benevolent Influence
Learn: 1D4 Karma
Cast: 10 magic points
Maintain: 10 POW points
Casting time: 3 days
This arduous spell exacts many requirements from the caster: a regimen of meditation and breathing exercises, along with a strictly prescribed diet, must be followed for three solar months before the spell may be attempted. When ready, the caster must fast for three days and then enact the ritual, which involves an hour of chanting and a successful Hard POW roll by the caster. If successful, the spell magnifies the willpower of the caster, making them more able to influence and manipulate people. For as long as the spell is maintained and the diet and meditations continue the caster’s APP rises by 10, and a bonus die is granted to Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate, and Persuade rolls.
Alternative names: Ritual of Authority, Aura of Control, The Agreeable Tongue of Festus.
Beseech Charon
Learn: 1D10 Karma
Cast: 12 magic points
Maintain: N/A
Casting time: instantaneous
This spell must be cast at night under a gateway or archway. The caster reaches out and contacts “Charon,” the underworld keeper of the way across the River Styx. The spell beseeches Charon to bring the soul of a specific dead person to the caster’s location where the caster can then ask 3 questions. The dead will answer each question in a cryptic phrase of 12 words or less. The material component is two gold coins to tip Charon’s aspect, the older the better.
Alternative names: none known.
Bespeak the End of the Day
Learn: 1D8 Karma
Cast: 6 magic points
Maintain: N/A
Casting time: 1 hour
This powerful conjuration calls upon the Norn to grant a vision of a of specific moment that will happen in the future. The vision places the caster or the spell’s target inside a scene from their near future (sight, sound, taste, smell, and texture are all conveyed). The viewer is fully aware of what is happening in the scene but cannot affect it. A POW roll may be required for what is seen. “Near future” is an elastic timeframe, determined by the Keeper; it is suggested that such foretelling ranges to no more than one week, and usually just to 24 to 36 hours. Until the vision has come to pass, the viewer is marked— in the interim, others succeeding with an Occultism roll, and certain Daemon-touched entities of the Storyteller’s choice, may see the viewer as somehow “marked” and best left alone; no matter what comes to pass, the viewer will at some point find themselves in the reality of the future scene witnessed.
During the spell, the caster or spell’s target must concentrate on a course of action for which they seek a resolution: for example, if they are trying to locate a person, they may see a scene in which they find that person in a certain locale.
At the Storyteller’s discretion, if the spell’s target is somehow able to avoid their fated future (as seen in the vision) then something very bad will happen to them. As they have actively denied their future, cosmic forces will align against them; perhaps forcing them to into a deadly situation, extracting some form of mocking bad luck, or adversely affecting their abilities for a suitable period.
Note: the Storyteller must be careful as to what to show the viewer. The scene merely provides a few second’s glimpse of an event but not necessarily its consequences. The Storyteller depicts the vision and effectively safeguards the viewer to that point in time from certain death.
Alternative names: none known.
Bestow Glimpse of the Possible
Learn: 1D3 Karma
Cast: 10 magic points
Maintain: N/A
Casting time: instantaneous
Causes a target to see a flash of a possible futures. An opposed POW roll is made with the spell’s target. If the caster succeeds, the target gets a momentary flash of a variety of probable events in their near future.
The target can voluntarily choose to relinquish the opposed POW roll, thus the spell succeeds automatically. Also, the substance of the target’s insight is dictated by the caster’s probable actions – a pacifist is unlikely to kill someone, the dead to return to life, etc.
Alternative names: Pierce the Veil, Willful Visage of the Hidden Realm.
The Fate We Make Ourselves
Learn: 1D4 Karma
Cast: 10 magic points
Maintain: 10 POW points
Casting time: 3 hours
This rare spell targets an individual who has performed some form of action in the past, and have that action be returned upon them (effectively, repaying in kind the action of the target in a karmic sense). The caster cannot choose the nature of the karma to befall the target.
The spell has a variable casting cost based upon the action of the target (which must be known to the caster) and the timeframe in which it took place:
1-12 months 1.5 magic points per month (rounded up)
2-25 years 20 magic points + 10 POW
25-125 years 20 magic points + 15 POW
125-625 years 20 magic points + 20 POW
In addition, the more serious the event wished to be repaid, the greater the cost on the mind of the caster:
Ethically questionable (stealing, lying) 4 POW
Serious taboo (murder, torture) 6 POW
Reprehensible act (cannibalism, necrophagia) 10 POW
A fumbled skill check when casting the spell causing the effects to turn on the caster. The karma begins to affect the target in 1D4 days. To the target, the effects of the spell manifest as natural occurrences or uncanny coincidences. The Keeper should determine the effects, which should be commensurate with the target’s original action (e.g. if the target stole something, the spells causes something to be taken from the target, and so on).
Alternative names: none known.
Binding Spells
Binding spells create a tie between the victim and caster and give the cast at least some control over the victim. The amount of control and cost thereof vary with the target, see the specific spells for details.
While bound the target will obey the commands of the Occultist to the best of their ability, even if doing so causes them harm. Obviously suicidal commands may trigger a POW check between the victim and caster at the Storyteller’s discretion. The spell prevents those bound from harming their masters but does not grant the caster any protection from a victim’s vengeance once the casting is broken.
One condition common for all Bound creatures is a desire to be free. Each day after the successful binding the caster and target make opposed POW rolls modified by the duration of the binding:
Spell Duration Modifier to Victim’s POW Roll
First Full Day -2 Roll Disadvantage
Second Day -1 Roll Disadvantage
Third Day Normal POW roll
Fourth Day +1 Roll Advantage
Fifth Day + +2 Roll Advantage
Bind Animal
Learn: 1D4 Karma
Cast: 2 magic points per 1/10 SIZ of the animal round up
Maintain: POW points =1/10 the SIZ of the Bound Animal rounded up.
Casting time: 1 round
Directs a specific animal type to obey the commands of the caster. Bound animals do not gain Advantage on rolls to break free of the enchantment.
Such spells include: Bind Driver Ant Column, Bind Cat, Bind Green Mamba, Bind Leopard, Bind Monkey Spider, Bind Rat, and so on. Each specific animal type comes with its own variant spell. Bind Driver Ant Column works on an entire ant swarm while Bind Leopard works on an individual of the species. Specific binding spells will be more common in the native habitats of the animals and so are usually well known by their respective sorcerers, African witch doctors, Amerind medicine men, European witches, etc. Spells for geographically specific animals may be available outside of the region, but harder to find.
Some animals, especially domesticated ones, have blended to the point where any generic version of the spell will work. “Bind Cat” and “Bind Dog” are the most common and will affect any normal breed kept as a house pet.
If an animal is similar in nature to a version of the spell known by the caster, they can try to modify their spell to affect the animal. This results in the caster needing to make a Hard or better skill check when casting.
The Storyteller has final say on if an animal can be affected by the known version of the spell, or if the spell can be modified successfully. Storytellers are encouraged to focus less on biology and more on what keeps the game moving and fun.
The commanded creature must be able to comprehend and perform the command. To instruct it to “fly to Mexico” has no meaning to a raccoon, and the instruction “kill Jonathan Kingsley” only baffles tarantulas as they have no way to identify a Mr. Kingsley. On the other hand, a command such as, “bite all nearby humans” could be attempted.
Deeper Magic: some spellcasters can imbue an animal with a means of communication (speech, thought transference, and so on), allowing the animal to relate information to the caster; thus, allowing for a greater range of commands.
Alternative names: many variations.
Bind Human
Learn: 1D4 Karma
Cast: Variable magic points
Maintain: 5 POW points + Special
Casting time: 1 day
This spell binds the target to the caster’s service until the enchantment is broken. A variable number of magic points are sacrificed into a small effigy of the target—the caster must invest more magic points than the target possesses for the spell to work. For the spell to take effect the caster must win an opposed POW roll with the target. If the target wins, the spell fails. It normally takes a day to gather the materials, construct the effigy, and chant the ritual that seals the magic points into the effigy. The effigy must contain a portion of the target (this could be a few hairs, nail clippings, blood, or something else of a personal nature).
A person under the influence of Bind Human can be forced to perform acts which go against their moral code, but at a chance the victim breaks the sorcerous bond. The Storyteller can allow the victim a bonus depending on how heinous the victim would perceive the command (see the chart below for suggested modifications). Storytellers should apply their best judgement and recall the PCs’ history. PCs with characters whom are normally willing to rob and murder without moral qualms will turn into paragons of virtue when commanded to do so by someone else. . The victim modifies their roll as follows:
Heinous Command Modifier to Victim’s POW Roll
Normal Activities -2 Roll Disadvantage
Conscience Twinging -1 Roll Disadvantage
Morally Questionable Normal POW roll
Morally Repellent +1 Roll Advantage
Morally Abhorrent +2 Roll Advantage
The spell is automatically broken if the caster attacks the target or if the effigy is destroyed. Additionally, the victim rolls the daily POW check to regain their freedom.
Alternative names: Coopt Thy Enemy, The Darke Pact, Rite of Power.
Bind Soul
Learn: 1D6 Karma
Cast: 10 magic points
Maintain: Variable, fed by the victim’s life force. Ends upon death of the victim’s body.
Casting time: 3+ days
Allows the caster to imprison a human soul and thereby control or murder the body from which the soul came. The caster must be able to find the soul before it can be imprisoned. For the spell to take effect an opposed POW roll must be made between the caster and target. Alternatively, the caster and target may engage in spirit combat: the caster must drive the target’s spirit to zero magic points and then cast Bind Soul. Either way, if the soul is trapped, the target’s body begins to die, at the rate of 10 CON per day. When CON reaches zero the body dies. This spell is often used in conjunction with Compel Flesh (page 69). A special vessel for the soul must have been prepared (a ritual taking three days). Anything that can be closed (a jar, a box, a bottle, etc.) will do as a vessel. If the vessel can be found, the soul can be released by opening or breaking the vessel (it can then do as it will).
The Powder of Ibn-Ghazi (page 151) and similar magic can trace the link between body and soul. The location of the vessel can be calculated by triangulation or by expending a considerable amount of powder and simply following the spider-web-like link left tangible by the powder.
Deep Magic: When the soul is freed upon the body’s death it either becomes a Geister or makes its way to the afterlife, depending on the level of daemonic interaction it had while alive. However, if the body of the victim is subjected to the Animate Mummy spell while the soul is Bound the victim’s spirit is denied that release. The spirit will remain imprisoned in the special vessel until freed. The soul will then be pulled by the Animate Mummy spell to inhabit its mummified corpse until destroyed.
Alternative names: Devoured by Ammit, Imprison Life Force, The Black Murder.
Binding Daemons
Learn: 1D4 Karma
Cast: 2 magic points + 2 POW per 1/5 POW of the target rounded up
Maintain: 5 POW points + Special
Casting time: 1 round
Binding and Summoning spells are the yin / yang for daemonologists. Sometimes they are cast as one spell, although this causes the caster to make their Skill check against their weaker spell skill with a 1R Disadvantage. Generally rash sorcerers will cast each spell individually egotistically wagering they will be able to bind the creature summoned. More cautious daemonologists will cast both at once, risking the greater chance of failure to ensure the creature is bound upon arrival. To quote the daemonic grimoire The Lesser Key of Solomon: “There are old daemonologists and bold daemonologists, but there are no old bold daemonologists.”
If a monster arrives unbound or is come upon unexpectedly, it may be bound on the spot. The caster must know the correct Binding spell and must spend a round chanting before the thing can be bound. For the spell to take effect the caster must succeed in an opposed POW roll with the target. A binding works on only one creature at a time. Others may assist the person attempting the binding by sacrificing POW points in support.
An attacking creature cannot be bound by the person it is fighting; however, it could be bound by a person able to stand back from the fray. A creature to be bound must (normally) be visible to the caster and within 100 yards.
Binding requires an opposed roll and if the opposed roll is failed, the caster is in trouble!
Gaining control of a creature bound by another spellcaster is risky and requires the current binding to be broken before a new binding can be attempted. To break the binding performed by another sorcerer, an opposed POW roll is attempted (versus the POW of the original binder). If successful, the original binding is broken and the creature is free and a new binding must be performed quickly lest the creature depart or seek to vent its anger and frustration on those nearby.
Note: see Summoning Spells (page 174[ish]).
Form of the Command
The caster’s commands to the summoned thing must be specific and within the target’s ability: “fly me to safety,” would not be a valid command to a target without wings; however, “slay that man in the corner,” would be. Orders might include carrying someone somewhere, presiding at some ceremony, being especially docile while being examined by a group of professors, appearing somewhere as a warning to those assembled—whatever can be imagined. Keep commands simple. The best rule of thumb is that a command should have no more words than one-fifth of the thing’s INT. Simple gestures such as pointing will be understood. Assume that the thing is always able to understand a straightforward command, whether spoken in English, Urdu, or whatever language.
Starting the day after a successful binding the Occultist and victim make daily POW checks as the Occultist attempts to maintain control and the victim attempts to break free. See the chart under “Binding Spells” for duration modifiers.
Example Binding Spells
This list is not exhaustive. The following spells all comply with the costs given under Binding Spells. Note that some variant specific binding spells are detailed elsewhere in this section.
Bind Thunderbird: The caster can force an untrained Thunderbird to act as an aerial steed, but all Riding checks are at a 1R Disadvantage. Thunderbirds trained to carry a rider do not impose this penalty. The Alluvions are the only culture known to regularly train Thunderbirds, although there were reports of giant birds attacking aircraft in The Great War.
Alternative names: The Modern Icarus, Tarwid Alruwk, Menunggang Garuda.
Bind Were:
If the creator Turnskin is dead and the caster has its blood or saliva the caster rolls at 1R Advantage.
Alternative names: Tame the Beast, The Domestication of the Abomination.
Bind Get of the Alluvion:
Despite the name this spell will Bind Alluvions of any age. It only affects one Alluvion per casting. When encountering a group the Occultist can attempt to Bind the leader and hope the leader’s authority will hold the others in check. The Storyteller can either use Persuade checks or decide logically based on the PC’s commands to the Alluvion leader what the others decide to do.
Alternative names: Piscine Command, Edict of the Sea.
Bind Creeping Crud:
Daemons which create Crud are amongst the weakest and are therefore easy to Bind. But because the bacteria which are the basis for Crud’s physical form are so basic, most aspiring Daemonologists quickly move on to servitors which are ‘interesting.’ A Bound Creeping Crud does not gain Advantage on its rolls to break free of the enchantment.
Alternative names: No one has bothered to come up with one.
Bind Ghul:
Ghuls denied the ability to feed will make rolls for freedom twice a day when they have Advantage. Their first target after breaking free will be the caster who starved them. If the Shayatin which created the ghul is still alive it will sense where its child is and come looking. If the Occultist is lucky they will be embraced by the Shayatin as a servitor undead. The more likely outcome is the Shayatin feeds it to their minions.
Alternative names: Bind the Children of Shaitan
Bind Horned Serpent:
has poisonous breath. the blood sacrifice of a sentient being is required. The caster does not perform the sacrifice—the Horned Serpent seizes the sacrifice.
Alternative names: Revenging Eve’s Lament, Bind the Naga.
Bind Two Headed Horsemen:
Because the creature is the two souls intertwined the caster has a 1R Disadvantage to their binding roll.
Alternative names: Ride the Rider, Brand the Dead.
Bind Dhampyr:
if the caster possesses the fangs of the Nosferatu which created the Dhampyr they get a 1R Advantage roll to bind the servitor. Dhampyrs must be fed weekly or they will fade and die. The blood of animals will stretch the feeding to every other week, but the Dhampyr will get quite whiney about the deprivation.
Alternative names: Defang The Night, Rule the Mountain Sons.
Bind Geister:
Because Geisters are only tangentially attached to this side of the Daemimonde, they are harder to Bind and do not suffer Disadvantage on their rolls to break the enchantment.
Alternative names: Knot the Sheet.
Bind Meistergeister: Because Meistergeisters are only tangentially attached to this side of the Daemimonde, they are harder to Bind and do not suffer Disadvantage on their rolls to break the enchantment. By doubling the POW cost an Occultist can use their control of the Meistergeister to command subservient Geisters.
Alternate names: none.
Bind Childe of Echidna:
This chant allows the caster to impose their will on an unbound Childe of Echindna. The caster makes an opposed POW roll against the Childe. If the caster wins the POW roll, the child follows commands to the best of its ability, including self- destructive commands. If the Childe wins the POW roll, it immediately attacks the caster.
Deeper magic: knowledge and use of this spell can usurp control of a child of the Sphinx already bound to another. The caster makes an opposed POW roll against the current master of the creature: if the usurping caster wins, they immediately gain control.
Alternative names: Dominion of the Jackals, Authority of the Sands.
Bind Shayatin:
Good luck with that.
Bind Nosferatu:
Binding a Nosferatu breaks the control it exerts over any created Dhampyr, which usually results in a feeding frenzy sure to attract the attention of authorities. The Dhampyr will also attack each other, trying to drain enough of their siblings to uplift themselves into a Nosferatu.
A bound Nosferatu can be forced to create new Dhampyr, which are automatically bound to the controlling Occultist. Because the control is by proxy the Occultist never rolls with Advantage.
Alternative names: Master the master.
Bind Turnskin:
Removes a were-creature’s desire to control its shape-changing, quickly condemning it to the life as whatever form the entity’s alternate form takes. A creature so bound sheds its human side and permanently becomes wild.
Once the spell is cast, the target steadily loses its ability to choose when to shape-change. More and more it becomes the animal alternate when primal emotions, such as rage, fear, lust, or hunger become strong. The shape-change is no longer a conscious choice. The effect strengthens over time. After 1D6 days, the target spends half its time in its animal form. After another 1D6 days the human side is utterly unattractive and tedious. The creature then lives as an animal in the wild.
To perform this spell, the caster needs a bowl of solid silver or gold. The bowl must be inscribed with the incantations of the spell on its inner surface. The caster must also carve a circular talisman into the surface of the area where the spell is to be cast. Six candles are placed and lit clockwise around this talisman. Once the candles are lit, the caster may not leave the circle. At least six drops of human blood must be added to the bowl. To target an individual, place something of the target in the bowl (hair, fingernail clippings, personal possessions, etc.). More than one person may be targeted at a time. Incantations must be chanted without interruption for an hour. If all goes well, the bowl briefly glows and the spell begins its work. After the spell is cast, the target experiences growing fears and desires based on the need of its animal side and loses 1D3+1 INT and EDU per day until both stats reach 10. Then it fully reverts to its animal form mentality, losing any Kharma points it may have had. Storytellers should allocate skill points logically, likely creating an animal which is smarter than the average specimen.
Alternative names: Cage of Kind, Bind Loup-Garou.
Bind Lusus Naturae:
given the random nature of mutation a bound Jest can either be a powerful ally or suitable only as cannon fodder. Jests which are intelligent will occasionally agree to serve a master without magical coercion just to have a place where they are accepted.
Lusus Naturae (Jest of Nature)
Learn: 1D8 Karma
Cast: 24 magic points
Maintain: Target loses all Karma points
Casting time: 3 rounds
The spell’s target must be within 100 yards of the caster. A dark cloud of moaning voices, distorted faces, and clutching hands is formed, with sparkles of sickly light flashing within. The cloud engulfs and completely screens the target. It then warps and mutates the target into a horrifying half- melted creature, only part human. The target’s INT and POW do not change, but APP is reduced by 9D10. Roll 3D10 each for STR, CON, SIZ, and DEX: if the result is even, add it to the current score; if it is odd, subtract it. If CON is reduced to zero, the target dies. If SIZ is reduced to zero, the target is invisible. An APP of zero or less may cause anyone seeing the target to make a CON check or suffer a 1R Disadvantage on all rolls for three rounds due to revulsion, at the Keeper’s discretion. The spell’s target loses all Karma points but retains access their Magic points and known spells.
The Lusus Naturae has no loyalty to its creator, often quite the opposite. Creatures created this spell often go insane from the pain and changes (roll a POW check at 2R Disadvantage). Those who can determine the cause often attack the caster. Occultists often will attempt to prevent these attacks by binding the Lusus Naturae.
Alternative names: Breath of Nightmare, The Black Curse of the Moon.
Learn: 1D6 Karma
Cast: 10 magic points
Maintain: 1 POW point per +1 character stat bonus or 1 POW per 5% skill bonus
Casting time: Instantaneous
Blessing is intended to help and assist the spell’s target. It can take two forms:
The recipient gains points to a specified characteristic. Such points may alter some derived values, such as hit points. It cannot alter POW or EDU.
Alternatively, the recipient gains a bonus for a specific skill.
The target can be the caster.
Deeper magic: by permanently sacrificing POW points this spell can be used to uplift normal creatures of animal intelligence to make them more useful companions. If used for this purpose EDU can be altered.
Bless Blade:
Learn: 1D4 Karma
Cast: 5 magic points
Maintain: 5 POW point
Casting time: 1 hour (minimum)
Makes a weapon (knife, sword, etc.) capable of damaging or killing entities that cannot be harmed by mundane weapons. Requires the blood sacrifice of an animal (or animals) of at least SIZ 50. If the blade of the knife is made of an elemental metal, such as iron or silver, damage rolls are made at 1R Advantage.
If the blade is broken, melted, or otherwise damaged it permanently loses its magical ability; however, it will not be harmed when used in attacks against supernatural entities, and performs (dealing damage) as per the weapon type.
Alternative names: Blood the Beast, Ritual of the Seven Cuts, Spirit’s Bane.
Blessing of Bast:
Learn: 1D4 Karma
Cast: 4 magic points
Maintain: N/A
Casting time: Instantaneous
This rare spell is thought to have been lost to the passage of time, as it was known only to the High Priestesses of Bast and has rarely seen use since the days of dynastic Egypt. The spell heals 1D6 hit points and restores 1D6 Magic Points (this can temporarily increase the Occultist’s Magic Point total above their maximum. Expended Magic Points are taken from the excess first and do not refresh). The recipient of the spell must speak a prayer to Bast (outlined in the spell). The would-be recipient must make a successful POW roll to convince the goddess of their worthiness, and they should never have mistreated a cat. Failing the POW roll incurs the displeasure of the goddess and costs the caster 1 hit point damage, manifesting as claw marks on the face (a worse fate befalls those who have mistreated a cat, at the Keeper’s discretion).
Alternative names: none known.
Blight/Bless Crop
Learn: 1D6 Karma
Cast: 6 magic points per acre
Maintain: 3 POW point per acre.
Casting time: 1 hour
As the caster chooses, the spell causes vegetation to wither and die slowly as if parched, or to blossom and grow with vigor. The caster must plant a small animal’s skeleton (such as a bird, cat, or dog) within the area of land to be blessed or blighted. The crop yield increases or decreases 10% for each 24 hour period the spell in maintained.
“Blooding” the caster (striking the face hard enough to draw blood) breaks the spell, allowing the crop to return to health if conditions are suitable (if winter is coming there will not be enough time for the crop to mature).
Alternative names: The Farmer’s Hex, The Curse of Decay, Solstice Blessing.
Learn: 1D6 Karma
Cast: 1 magic point
Maintain: 3 POW point
Casting time: Instantaneous
This spell permits the caster to escape to a mental refuge to protect them from what would normally cause non-magical CON checks (starvation, suffication, prolonged torture, etc.). The drawback is that the spell’s target (if not the caster) is unable to move or defend themselves physically for the duration of the spell.
Alternative names: Blinded, Suffer Not the Awfulness, Mental Resolution.
Learn: 1D6 Karma
Cast: 16 magic point
Maintain: 5 POW point
Casting time: 2 rounds
The spell’s target must be within 30 yards of the caster. If the caster wins an opposed POW roll against the target, the target swells to immense proportions, their movement is reduced to 1, and all physically active skills (such as any combat skill, Climb, Jump, Ride, Throw, etc.) are reduced to 05%. This effect wears off when the target wins an opposed POW check modified according to the Binding duration table:
Spell Duration Modifier to Victim’s POW Roll
First Full Day -2 Roll Disadvantage
Second Day -1 Roll Disadvantage
Third Day Normal POW roll
Fourth Day +1 Roll Advantage
Fifth Day + +2 Roll Advantage
Alternative names: The Fattening Curse.
Blunt the Weapon
Learn: 1 Karma
Cast: 6 magic point
Maintain: 4 POW points
Casting time: 1 round
The caster causes all slashing and piercing weapons (swords, knives, bullets, etc.) to act as if blunted when striking the recipient of the spell (the caster or nominated target), and includes the natural weapons of creatures. The spell’s target, who must repeat a short magical phrase for the spell’s duration, suffers only half damage from such attacks (damage results from Extreme successes are also halved). The effect lasts for 6 rounds but may be extended at the further cost of 6 magic points per 2 additional rounds.
Deeper magic: at a greater cost (12 magic points to cast; 8 POW points to maintain) the spell negates all damage from slashing or piercing weapons, except for Extreme successes (which still deal half damage).
Alternative names: The Song of Corrosion, Turn Skin, Steely Flesh.
Transmutation of the Allfather
Learn: 2d6 Karma
Cast: 6+ magic point
Maintain: 5 POW points
Casting time: 1d6+4 minutes
Allows the caster to change his or her physical form. The Occultist can change to any shape and appearance, though they retain their personal abilities. The form is fleshly, but can appear to be made of stone, wood, a rug, etc. Once changed into a new shape, the caster has the mobility of that shape. The caster’s STR, CON, INT, POW and DEX do not change.
The caster invokes Zeus and repeats the phrases of the spell while expending 6 magic points and an additional magic point for each 5 points of SIZ to be gained or lost in the body warping. Only one alteration per casting is possible and the effect is permanent so long as the spell is maintained. This spell cannot be cast on another being.
Deeper magic: if imitating an individual, the caster becomes a replica of that person, including voice and speech patterns. The caster’s APP becomes that of the individual emulated. The caster can only emulate a person known to them.
Alternative names: Body Warping, Mastery of the Flesh, Skin Walking, iKiggen’s Transfiguration.
Eitri’s Forge
Learn: 1d4 Karma
Cast: 1 magic point per 200 degrees
Maintain: 1 POW points per 200 degrees
Casting time: 1 round
An immobile, shimmering globe of heat, about 5 feet across, appears in the air before the caster. This furnace has a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit per magic point expended, but the radiant heat from it is magically limited to the furnace itself. Anything touching the furnace takes 1D6 damage per round per 200 degrees in the furnace. Upon command, metal touched to the sides will be drawn into the forge and, if the forge is hot enough, melted. At a second command the melted metal will take the shape of a desired item, such as rifle barrel, axe head, decorative grate, etc. If the smith has an available liquid they can utilize the magic of the forge to pull it into the sphere to quench the metal. When the forge is dismissed the metal inside drops slowly to the ground as the magic dissipates.
Alternative names: none known.
Breath of the Dog
Learn: 1d4 Karma
Cast: 3 magic points
Maintain: N/A
Casting time: Instantaneous or special
The caster spews forth a visible cloud of noxious vapors from their mouth, like a jet of steam. The foul breath affects one target up to a distance 30 yards. The target loses 1D6 hit points from this choking poison. The noxious vapor dissipates immediately in the open air (active for just one round) but stays active in an enclosed space until a window is opened or a draft is otherwise created (see following).
If the target is aware of the noxious vapor in an enclosed space (possibly a Spot Hidden or Listen roll), he or she may attempt A CON check to avoid its effects. CON checks on subsequent rounds suffer first a 1R and then a 2R Disadvantage. Those failing the CON check lose 1D8 hit points and cannot make further checks. On the second round 1D6 hit points are lost, followed by 1D4 hit points on the fourth round, and 1D2 hit points in the final round. Damage is negated if the target manages to escape or evacuate the vapor.
Alternative names: The Stinking Breath of Seven Hells, Corpse Air.
Breath of The Deep
Learn: 1d6 Karma
Cast: 8 magic points
Maintain: Special
Casting time: 1 round
The target’s lungs fill with seawater, potentially causing an unpleasant death by drowning.
The caster must be able to see the target. After mentally intoning the spell for a round, the target begins to drown—falling to the floor, choking on seawater, and taking 1D8 damage each round. The target should make an Extreme CON roll (equal to or below one-fifth CON) after taking damage each round, if the roll is successful the salt water has been expelled and the effects of the spell cease. Note that the caster may cease the spell at any point.
Alternative names: Currency of the Blue Sea, The Sailor’s Curse, Kiss of Brine.
Breath of the Kappa
Learn: 1d4 Karma
Cast: 6 magic points
Maintain: 2 POW Point
Casting time: 1 round
This spell of Japanese origin relates to the kappa, a race of amphibious creatures said to be an offshoot branch of Alluvians. The Scrolls of Yokai describe the kappa as being able to bestow their ability to breathe both in the air and underwater to others. Targets of this spell suffer a temporary APP loss of 50% as the spell causes them to grow gills on the sides of their neck!
The text warns that prolonged use of this gift turns the recipient into a kappa. This happens if the caster rolls a critical fail.
Alternative names: Sakana Rite, Spiritus de Piscibus.
Create Drug - Draught of the Beguiled
Learn: 1d8 Karma
Cast: 10 magic points + successful Potions skill check
Maintain: Caster permanently loses 5 POW points
Casting time: 3 days
This magical recipe, said to have been originally used by Alluvians, requires several hard to obtain and illegal ingredients, including fresh poppy tar and whale’s vomit. The final product is a thick ichor that pacifies and disorients the mind. Laced into a target’s food or drink, it erodes their will for a number of days equal to one-fifth of the character’s POW, leaving them susceptible to being brainwashed by whoever has administered the drug. The target and caster engage in a struggle of resolve as the caster attempts to subvert the victim’s will to their own. The victim resists the the effect of the Draught according to the matrix below:
Spell Duration Modifier to Victim’s POW Roll
First Full Day 2R Advantage
Second Day 1R Advantage
Third Day Normal POW roll
Fourth Day 1R Disadvantage
Fifth Day + 2R Disadvantage
If the victim is able to resist longer than the Draught is effective they retain their freewill and the Draught is wasted. The caster still permanently loses 5 POW points. Victims can be subjected to consecutive doses, but the POW checks restart at “First Full Day” on the resistance matrix. Dousing the victim with multiple Draughts does not affect the resistance rolls.
A target who falls victim to the Draught does not lose their personality. Instead the victim becomes infatuated with the caster and their behavior changes to mimic the caster’s outlooks and desires. Suggestions from the caster will be treated with deference and requests honored even at cost of harm to the victim. Extended therapy might undo the alterations wrought by this hypnotic drug.
A successful Potions roll is needed to ensure that the Draught has been correctly brewed. A failed check does not cost the caster POW points but does waste the ingredients.
Deeper magic: the original Alluvian brew is believed to be much more potent, automatically affecting any victim with a POW of 40 or less.
Alternative names: Draft of Wilderness, Mind Control Toxin.
Create Drug - Truisms of the Unconscious Mind
Learn: 1d6 Karma
Cast: 4 magic points (+1 per additional user) + successful Potions skill check
Maintain: 2 POW points (+1 per additional user)
Casting time: 5+ hours
Fashions an incense which facilitates entry into a dream state where the characters tap into humanity’s racial memory. Those breathing the smoke fall asleep very quickly for around four hours and users breathing the same burning incense find themselves together in the dream. The subjective length of the dream is generally equivalent to real-time and memories of the dream are sharp upon awakening. By varying the ingredients the caster may choose to use the Dream State to accomplish different goals:
• visiting distant cities – the characters can walk the streets of locations near or far to learn the layout of the land, to find a specific location, or to try locating a person. The cityscape will be eerily empty and slightly impermanent, with people and transient objects flickering in and out of sight or location. The Dream state will also carry a sense of the Daemonic influence on the locale, areas with a higher concentration or Daemonic activity will have a heavy psychic miasmic pall hanging over them.
• visit the past –the characters can interact with a historical event or location. They may learn secrets by accessing lost works, observing (possibly firsthand) secret rites, or converse with long-dead personages. Characters may not change the past (this is a dream, after all) and Storytellers may deem some or all of the desired information cannot be accessed during this dream.
• entering the dreams of others – people the characters know well can be accessed on a Normal POW check (rolled by the caster), acquaintances on a Hard, and unknown persons on an Extreme. The Storyteller should determine how the person being contacted reacts. Those expecting the dream visitation may consider it passe, those caught unawares, or who do not know the party, may react with violence, disbelief, or terror. If the target’s reaction is not positive, the Storyteller should utilize their reaction to mold the environment and can even create an impromptu mini adventure out of the challenges the target’s subconscious mind creates to protect itself. Damage in the Dream State affects POW, not HP, and anyone who gets to zero POW is forcibly awakened. Loss of POW will affect a caster’s ability to maintain other spells so it is very possible for maintained spells to fail due to injuries suffered in the dream. Spells with higher maintenance costs are lost first.
Mixing the drugs and casting the spell take about five hours. While most of the ingredients are reasonably easy to obtain (herbs), others may present a challenge (at the Keeper’s discretion). The one ingredient common to all incense recipes is 1 ounce of black lotus per user. The result is a dark luminescent powder, like a green tea. A mild narcotic effect relaxes the inhaler and inclines them toward dreams. After the first, each additional portion made at the same time costs one additional magic point—to make five draughts, for instance, would cost a total of 8 magic points and maintenance would be 6 points.
A successful (Potions) roll is needed to ensure that mixing directions are carefully followed.
Deep magic: smoking the incense directly can greatly intensify the
Alternative names: Boon of the Somnolescent, Gateway to Everything.
Create Drug - Elixir of Life
Learn: 1d10 Karma
Cast: 20 magic points + successful 2R Disadvantage Potions check
Maintain: Permanent 10 POW points loss
Casting time: 6 months
An ancient alchemical formula that purports to give the imbiber supernatural abilities and immortality. This elixir, which includes the blood of a Nosferatu, the spittle of a Turnskin, and the heart of a centenarian imbues a human with Daemonic abilities but enables the human psyche to retain control.
The ingredients are essentially smelted while the spell is cast, boiling them down into a tar. Eitri’s Forge can be modified for this if cast with this purpose (Hard success).
Without the spell ichor, the elixir is only a foul- tasting drink. With the spell, it has a very different effect. The drinker feels like the elixir is rotting their insides out until it is excreted. For one day, the substance courses through their alimentary tract, causing incredible pain; they are unable to do anything besides hunch over and scream in agony. During this process the caster loses 10 POW and 10 CON points. In addition, the caster must make a CON roll, using the new lower CON, suffering 1D4 HP damage on a success and 2D6 HP on a failure. Once the ichor is excreted, a POW roll at the new lower POW is made. With an Extreme success, the drinker arises with new Daemonic powers.
The new Daemon hybrid no longer needs to make aging rolls. In addition, their skin acts as armor which absorbs 2 HP of damage. (This stacks with other armor or shields.) They heal at twice the rate of a human and get a 1R Advantage to resist illness or disease. Their body is still human and they can be injured and killed by anything which would kill a normal person.
Folklore tells tales of Daemons offering the recipe for this elixir to the most morally abhorrent members of humanity to encourage them to continue their depredations and to entice them into fully committing their souls to the Daemon’s service. Some stories credit the elixir as being the first step to becoming a Shayatin.
The elixir can be created for someone other than the caster. The imbiber suffers the POW, CON, and HP loss listed. The caster loses 10 POW as well.
A successful Potions roll at 2R Disadvantage is needed to ensure that brewing directions are carefully followed.
Alternative names: none known.
Create Drug - Necrotelecomicon
Learn: 1d10 Karma
Cast: 15 magic points + successful 1R Disadvantage Potions check
Maintain: Varies, 1 per question, maximum of 5
Casting time: 1 Day
Exotic and unpleasant substances must be mixed to create one dose of the drug Necrotelecomicon. Once taken, the ingestor’s mind loses focus and perceives their surroundings as getting dark; objects fade out. A feeling of being dissociated, somehow leaving the room, prevails. There is also a profound sense of anticipation. The darkness will slowly transition to color, forming a location which was important to the target while they lived.
The caster and target will both be in the room when it is fully formed. The caster will appear as they did when they cast the spell. The target may appear as they did at any point of their life, and will likely flicker between age points during the questioning. They will retain the mental acuity of their prime regardless of the apparent age, but their ability to communicate will vary depending on physical age (babies will babble or use baby talk, elders may be hard of hearing and crotchety, etc. Ham it up).
The target’s personality and relationship with the caster will affect the interaction as well. Those uncooperative in life will be uncooperative in death. Negotiating may be necessary. Those who liked or loved the caster will pepper their answers with terms of endearment. Deceased who were hostile to the caster in life will be hostile still, especially if the caster or their friends are the reason the deceased is deceased. While the dead cannot refuse to answer due to the magic of the spell, it does not compel them to be polite or be more than barely informative. Those neutral to the character will generally be helpful but disinterested. They will give honest, straightforward answers but will not expand beyond the question or offer opinions. If the Storyteller desires a Persuade roll by the caster may be required to determine how cooperative the spirit is. This roll can be modified to reflect the target’s personality if the Storyteller sees fit.
The target will answer one question per magic point invested in the spell. They can only provide information they knew while alive. Questions about the afterlife or subjects they were ignorant of while living will be met with some version of “I don’t know.” The Storyteller should set a 60 second timer which encompasses the time available for each question and answer. This encourages short, pointed questions instead of disjointed multi-part messes. It also gives the Storyteller the ability to penalize long winded questions by cutting short their answers.
Including physical remains of the target in the ingredients gives the caster a 1R Advantage on their Persuade check. When the spell is cast the ingredients are mixed and form a lozenge like lump. The questioner places this lozenge in their mouth where it is absorbed into the bloodstream. The lozenge leaves the swallower’s mouth black for several hours and with breathe like a rotted corpse which can only be removed with repeated cleansing.
A successful Potions roll at 1R Disadvantage is needed to ensure that brewing directions are carefully followed.
Alternative names: Insight from Lives Lost, Glean the World Beyond.
Create Drug - Love Philter
Learn: 1d2 Karma
Cast: Varies, see description + successful Potions check
Maintain: 3 POW points + Special
Casting time: 2 Weeks
Creates a potion to cause one person to fall in love with another. The potion takes two weeks to brew, during which time the caster maintains a vigil over the simmering liquid for at least eight hours each day. The caster decides, at the beginning of the two-week period, how many magic points to infuse into the potion.
A magus who creates a philter for another (whether for commercial or other reasons) must spend an additional 2 magic points to bind it to that person, but this can be done at any time after the brewing is complete.
When a love philter is consumed, the one drinking it makes a POW roll opposed by the number of magic points invested in the philter’s creation multiplied by five. If the imbiber is successful, the beverage has no effect; if failed, they are attracted to the person the philter is bound to.
Targets who fail the POW roll retain their free-will, but will want to spend time with the source, will be amenable to intimacy, and will generally view the source’s requests favorably. Instructions which go against their sense of morality grant the victim a new POW check to break free. (For Morally Repellent and Abhorrent the bonus to the left of the / is for the victim, the penalty to the right is for the source.) Users of the Philter should consider their commands carefully!
Heinous Command Modifier to Victim’s POW Roll
Normal Activities Normal POW roll
Conscience Twinging 1R Advantage
Morally Questionable 2R Advantage
Morally Repellent 2R Advantage / 1R Disadvantage
Morally Abhorrent 2R Advantage / 2R Disadvantage
The victim’s innate desire to be free of the Philter’s influence will also grant them periodic POW checks to throw off the spell. Because of the subtle nature of the magic the timeframe between the checks is much greater than the similar Bind spells.
Spell Duration Modifier to Victim’s POW Roll
Fifth Full Day 2 Roll Disadvantage
Ninth Day 1 Roll Disadvantage
Twelfth Day Normal POW roll
Fourteenth Day 1 Roll Advantage
Fifteenth Day + 2 Roll Advantage
A successful Potions roll is needed to ensure that brewing directions are carefully followed.
Alternative names: Create Passion Potion, Liquor of the Heart’s Desire.
Create Drug - Scrumble
Learn: 1d4 Karma
Cast: 3 magic points (+1 per additional user) + successful Potions skill check
Maintain: Special (see description)
Casting time: 1 Day
This is a variant of the Necrotelecomicon spell but much easier to make and with a very addictive effect. Casting this spell requires knowledge of the Create Drug - Necrotelecomicon spell.
Scrumble is a light brownish drink made from apples. Well, mostly apples. Black Lotus petals are included in the fermenting process, which must take place in a graveyard (the older the better) within a summoning circle designed to draw the spirits of the surrounding area in. The Scrumble must ferment for at least two weeks in a cool dark space (tombs, barrows, and catacombs make great locations).
Imbibing a glass of Scrumble will mentally transport the drinker to a gathering related to their interest. Partakers could find themselves in a Salon in Paris discussing philosophy with Aristotle, Ayn Rand, and Lao Tzu, in an orgy with the Marqui de Sade, Aleister Crowley, and Tallulah Bankhead, or at a drug fueled romp with Janice Joplin, Charles Dickens, and Ben Franklin. The user has no control over which historical figures will appear.
While under the effect of the spell the drinker will lose one magic point per hour. The spell’s effects last as long as the drinker has magic points. Users will experience otherworldly joy while drugged, and their minds will actively resist leaving their intoxicating dream. Those under the influence attempting to break free must make an Extreme POW check to return to reality. Those attempting to pull the user back to reality must succeed in a Medicine vs. user POW check. The Medicine check is at 2R Disadvantage.
Scrumble is also highly addictive. After the first dose, the user craves more. After one use, the character needs to make a POW roll to resist using it again (if it is available). After the second use, the character must make a Hard POW roll. Once a third dose is taken, the character must make an Extreme POW roll every day to prevent them from actively seeking the drug that day. If the addiction cannot be satisfied, apply a one-step difficulty to all skills rolls for 3D6 weeks. These cravings do not go away for six months. To be cured of Scrumble’s chronic mind-rotting properties, the character must check into a rehab program and be out of action for three months. Further use means the character is immediately addicted once more.
A successful 1R Advantage Potions roll is needed to ensure that brewing directions are carefully followed.
Alternative names: Dead Can Dance.
Create Drug – Paut
Learn: 2d6 Karma
Cast: 5 magic points + successful 1RDisadvantage Potions skill check
Maintain: Special (see description)
Casting time: 1 Hour Per Dose
A longtime cornerstone of unethical Occultists dating back to the Egyptian magi, Paut is an inky liquid suffused with magical essence. Silver, human blood, and a host of rare unguents, herbs, and spices compose the list of ingredients. To brew Paut, the caster must prepare a bowl or receptacle and ritually mix the ingredients for one hour under the light of both the sun and the moon. Lengthy chants are involved, then a human victim is sacrificed and their life’s blood added to the ingredients in the bowl. The caster then spends 5 magic points to seal the spell. Once finished, the mixture is left covered until the next full moon, when the Paut is congealed and ready to use. Once brewed, Paut keeps indefinitely in any kind of sealed container.
Paut’s primary benefit is as a magical restorative: anyone drinking Paut regains 1 magic point per ounce of Paut consumed. Though it tastes vile, it is quite invigorating. Paut cannot boost a drinker’s magic points past their normal maximum and has no effect on a drinker whose magic points are at maximum.
The number of one-ounce doses created during the casting is equal to the sacrificial victim’s POW divided by 10. The victim must die during the casting for the spell to be effective.
A successful 1R Disadvantage Potions roll is needed to ensure that brewing directions are carefully followed.
Alternative names: Potion Of Power.
Create Drug - Translocation
Learn: 1d12 Karma
Cast: 20 magic points per dose + successful 1RDisadvantage Potions skill check
Maintain: Special (see description)
Casting time: 7+ Days Per Dose
Creates a magical potion which teleports the drinker to a specific location selected when the potion is brewed. Everyone drinking a dose from the same brewing will be transported to the same place.
Brewing Translocation requires parts from an animal, vegetable, and mineral sourced from the target area and requires at least a week of brewing time. Once the mead is foaming and bubbling, the caster must sacrifice 20 magic points per dose into the brew. Magic points may be sacrificed over a number of days; the more points, the more doses. Once the Translocation potion has been enchanted, it will remain potent indefinitely so long as it is not exposed to air.
When drunk, the Translocation potion drains the user of a number of Magic and POW points to power the teleportation. The amount of the drain is measured from the traveler’s location when imbibing to the brewed destination measured in miles (see Translocation Drain Chart). The traveler drinks the dose and is (hopefully) teleported to the destination. The landing zone is not exact but will be within 100 yards of where the mineral component was gathered. All travelers will arrive in an area clear of immediate dangers (everyone will appear on solid ground, in open space, out of any raging fires, etc.)
Travelers would have to bring a second dose, targeted to their embarkation point, to return. Otherwise they must make their own arrangements.
Translocation Drain Chart
POW Magic Points Distance
2 1 1 mile
4 2 10 miles
8 4 100 miles
16 8 1000 miles
32 16 10,000 miles
A successful 1R Advantage Potions roll is needed to ensure that brewing directions are carefully followed.
Deep Magic: If the blood of someone whose family has lived in the target destination for three generations is used as the animal component the Potion skill is a Normal roll. For each generation beyond 3rd the roll improves by 1 step until it is at 2R Advantage.
The Potions skill check is rolled when the Translocation potion is drunk. Failure means nothing happens, a critical failure entitles the Storyteller to cast the party to any desired location, and not necessarily together. The safe landing criteria will remain in place.
Alternative names: Breath of the East Wind, The Traveler’s Portion, Ride the Moonlight
Create Drug – Jaunte
Learn: 1d10 Karma
Cast: 15 magic points per dose + successful Potions skill check (see description)
Maintain: 10% of the imbiber’s POW score.
Casting time: 3+ Days Per Dose
Jaunte acts much like the Translocation spell but is not as exact. The material components are anything but: instead of physical items the target area is set based on memories, stories, paintings, pictures, or even poems which capture the essence of the area. Because of this broad spectrum of media the landing area cannot be specified with exactness.
While brewing Jaunte the caster evokes the destination by discussing their memories of the area, reading aloud written works about the area, describing visual media of the area, or reciting poetry inspired by the area. The caster does not need to be the creator of the media being utilized; F. Scott Fitzgerald’s stories and photos from the New York Times are both effective media to evoke a Jaunte to Manhattan. The casting consumes at least 12 hours a day for at least 3 days. Once the liquid has achieved a psychedelic swirl of colors, the caster must infuse the potion with 15 magic points per dose. Magic points may be sacrificed over a number of days; the more points, the more doses. Once the Jaunte potion has been enchanted, it will remain potent indefinitely so long as it is not exposed to moonlight.
Jaunting is guaranteed to take you…somewhere. The Storyteller secretly rolls against the caster’s skill. On a Normal success, the PCs arrive within 100 miles of their destination; on a Hard success 10 miles, and on an Extreme success 1 mile. A regular failure transports the characters to a location of the Storyteller’s choice so long as it does not pose an immediate threat. A fumble (96-99%) removes the restriction on immediate danger; Antarctica, an erupting volcano, or a meeting of evil cultists are all legitimate destinations. A Critical Fail could land the characters in a different time or even reality if the Storyteller desired (I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore).
The Storyteller should narrate a dream sequence which presents the players with challenges to overcome on their journey. Be creative, be trippy, don’t be afraid to make it weird. Alice In Wonderland is a good example. Tie in the results of the roll to indicate the level of success. A destination which retreats as the characters move towards it could indicate a Normal success while having the destination be recognizable but warped could indicate a Critical Failure.
A successful 1R Advantage Potions roll is needed to ensure that brewing directions are carefully followed.
Alternative names: Unguent of Somnolescent Travel.
Bring Pestilence
Learn: 1d10 Karma
Cast: 10 magic points
Maintain: 10% of the victim’s CON score (reduces over time, see description).
Casting time: Instantaneous
This foul spell causes the recipient to become infested with some dread disease. A piece of decayed human flesh is required for this spell. If the caster wins an opposed POW roll with the target the spell takes effect immediately, with the disease becoming apparent within 1D3 hours. At the Keeper’s discretion, the illness can vary but the effects are always the same. The target suffers the loss of 2D10 points of CON as the infection spreads through their body. Each day following the victim makes another CON roll. Failure results in the loss of 1D10 CON. If the target’s CON reaches zero and they die. Of course, as CON is reduced, so are hit points. Also, all skills are performed at 1R Disadvantage.
The sick investigator may be cured with a successful Hard Medicine roll, while under professional medical care in a hospital or similar facility. A cured investigator will regenerate lost CON on a 5 per day basis until fully restored.
Deeper magic: particularly virulent and nasty diseases may be combined; thus, the target suffers from multiple agonies and maladies. Such lethal combinations may hasten the reduction in CON. Treatment may be more difficult, requiring an Extreme Medicine roll. The consequence of such an illness may leave a lasting effect, such as a permanent CON reduction (by 10 or 20 points), physical disfiguration (reducing APP), or necessitating amputation of a limb if a wasting disease (reducing STR and/or DEX).
Alternative names: Vexation of Nergal, Curse of the White Rider.
Bring Haboob
Learn: 1d4 Karma
Cast: 10+ magic points
Maintain: 10% of the victim’s CON score (reduces over time, see description).
Casting time: 1 hour
The caster summons the forces of nature, calling up strong swirling winds. In dry environments with gritty surface soil (deserts, parched farmland, etc.) this has the effect of producing a towering sand or dust storm which descends on an area like a giant wall. Variations of the spell appear to have been created by different cultures based upon local geography and beliefs, so different versions of the spells may invoke different deific aspects.
This spell may be cast collectively to achieve greater effects. The Storyteller establishes the base conditions. Every 10 magic points sacrificed effects one level of change (see table following). The caster may expend as many magic points as they wish, as can any participant who knows the spell. Those ignorant of the spell may contribute 1 magic point only.
Maintaining the spell costs every participant 1 POW point per 10 points of the total spell per hour.
The strength and intensity of the haboob is affected by three factors: its size (Area of Effect), the direction it is traveling (Wind Direction), and the intensity of the driving winds (Wind Speed). The Storyteller will determine the existing conditions for wind direction and speed at the time of the casting. Changing these conditions cost 10 Magic Points per level. Wind Direction is measured in degrees based on compass directions. Each level changes the wind direction 45 degrees, so if the wind is blowing to the West from the East it would be a 10 points to make the wind blow to the northwest, 20 points to blow north, 30 points to blow northeast, and 40 points to shift completely and blow to the east. Wind shifts are always measured via the shortest distance around the compass rose, so to make a west blowing wind blow to the southeast would be a 30 point change (west -> southwest -> south -> southeast.)
The game effect of the haboob will have to be determined by the Storyteller based on logic and narrative drama. Generally haboobs impede visibility and cause eye and respiratory irritation, and the granules can hang in the air for days afterwards. If the wind conditions are Strong or higher inflict damage from flying debris. Especially powerful groups of Occultists will combine or follow Bring Haboob with a rainstorm via Alter Weather, causing a mud storm where the windborne sand or dirt becomes particulates of sticky sludge, which can encase anything in their path and cause increased bodily and property damage.
Dropping a haboob on your backtrail is a great way to cover your tracks and inconvenience anyone tracking you.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
Area of Effect 2 Miles 3 Miles 5 Miles 8 Miles 13 Miles 21 Miles
Wind Direction 45 Degrees 90 Degrees 135 Degrees 180 Degrees
Wind Speed Slight Breezy Gusty Strong Gale Hurricane
Alternative names: Bring Sandstorm, The Djinn’s Bloody Tickle, The Hand that Bends the Tree.
Build Carcosa
Pierces the Daemimonde to allow access to a shadow version of an extra dimensional city which appears with the underside of the lake surface as its ground. Everyone casting the spell can enter but maintenance cost is 100% of their POW & Magic Points. Any spells cast in Carcosa cost Karma.
During casting Occultists must roll Luck check, Person with worst failure dies. All Crit Fails have something really bad which I haven’t thought of yet happen.
While ‘in residence’ people do not age or suffer bodily needs. They can be killed by violence. Strange shadow-forms (possibly creatures from the OTHER side of the Daemimonde visiting Caracosa) hunt human visitors.
Because of the effective immortality of residence people from all points of history can be encountered living in the city. The dark, changeless aspects bleed into people’s personalities, causing them to become detached and emotionally flat. They rarely show strong emotion and seem disinterested in most interactions. This makes Carcosa an intriguing if frustrating place to seek information.
• Cost: 1D10 Sanity points (1D8 for supporters)
• Casting time: 75 minutes
May only be successfully cast at night when Aldebaran is visible above the horizon. The casting must be beside a body of water (that totals at least one cubic mile in volume) and nine other persons must be complicit in the casting. The caster reads aloud the spell’s text, while simultaneously the others read parts directly from The King in Yellow. As the competing readings progress, a mist forms across the water and the buildings and squares of Carcosa shimmer into existence around the group.
The spawn of Hastur appear, although the caster and supporters are safe from attacks as long as they continue their readings (Sanity rolls are appropriate; 1D6/1D20 loss). Those going insane must succeed with a Hard POW roll to continue reading and supporting the spell; those failing may be replaced, if more supporters are available, but unless someone steps straight into their place, the spawn attacks the whole cast indiscriminately. Regardless of the spell’s progress, the spawn can attack anyone in the forming city who is not part of the “performance”.
Upon completion of the spell, the caster has lost 1D10 Sanity points, the active supporters 1D8. The spawn disappears into the water, which has become dark, almost black, while the city on the shore is fully formed and tangible. Carcosa on Earth is a simulacrum of its true version in the Hyades (perhaps it is even the city transplanted). It remains on Earth for one week, if the caster remains alive within it. The existence of Carcosa on Earth also allows the spell Free Hastur (page 119) to be more easily cast. If Hastur is summoned to the city, he may remain on Earth indefinitely (subject to his whim). While they remain in the city, those involved in the casting of Build Carcosa do not age: like the city itself they remain in stasis.
Alternative names: none known.
Clarion Call To The Flayed
Learn: 1d8 Karma
Cast: 10 magic points
Maintain: 1D10+ POW
Casting time: 1+ hour(s)
This spell creates a Flayed, Daemonic enforcer / assassin created from the corpse of a human who was skinned alive. Tough, intelligent, and loyal a Flayed can be made even more dangerous by infusing it with the souls of additional victims who are tortured to death as part of the Clarion Call ritual. For each additional victim sacrificed the Flayed is able to ‘reincarnate’ one time, whole and uninjured, to continue its mission.
A Flayed attacks and defends as a strong, tough human. The host victim’s bodily statistics are subsumed by the invading Daemon’s, with STR, CON, and SIZ being pushed to humanity’s maximum potential. This is reflected in the body’s game statistics but doesn’t necessarily change the host body’s structure. (Storyteller’s call, can differ by casting and dramatic necessity.) Flayed have a 60% in the Brawling and Dodge skills and can make INT rolls to utilize other skills if necessary. In these cases, the Daemonic entity either knows the information or is picking through the host’s memories to learn it. Rolls may be made at Advantage if the Flayed is reinforced by additional souls. If the Occultist knows a specific skill will be needed [e.g., lockpicking] they may specifically include a victim with that skill. Casting the spell in such a way requires the spell to be cast at a Hard difficulty.
In combat the Flayed eschews grace or finesse in favor of roundhouse punches, body slams, and hammerfist blows. They are immune to pain but take normal damage from attacks. The Daemonic influence offers some protection, reflected in the Dodge skill. Including a skilled martial artist as a reinforcing soul can allow rolling Brawling and Dodge at Advantage under the criteria above.
A Flayed who has been reinforced with additional souls presents a nasty surprise. On the round following the Flayed being put down their wounds will heal and they will resume the fight. Lost limbs regenerate (including the head, which looks weird), HP return to full, and blood will ooze at an accelerated rate down the body. Attacks during this round do no damage to the Flayed due to the magically accelerated healing rate.
Flayed are not subtle. They constantly drip blood and are guaranteed to attract attention from the public and authorities. They will not engage in random violence (unless those are their orders) but will not hesitate to kill anyone who interferes with the completion of their mission.
Casting the spell costs 10 Magic Points regardless of how many souls are consumed in the casting. Maintaining the spell costs 10 POW plus an additional 10 POW per reinforcing soul.
Knowledge of this spell is often given by Daemons to Daemonologists in hopes of drawing the human’s deeper into the Daemon’s thrall. The denizens of the Daemimonde will encourage the Daemonologist to use their friends, family, and loved ones as the spell’s material components to further isolate them and increase the taint upon the Occultist’s soul.
Alternative names: none known.
Nocivis Somnum
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